
Showing posts from December, 2019


A  telly tale of  words unspoken  drew drags on  my face Painting my pain These words  flooded my cheeks I screamed for mercy For help The devil  marched  in between my thighs And  paved a path  so dark His  footprints are imprinted on the back of soul I don't remember who i was  before  i met him

The Rain Drop

                               The  wind's soft breeze tilted the sun scorched grass A  half wither  A half  folding  A half dead dried up mote Bends to the side A spec of water  particle falls  from  the sky Bury it below a  turf And the black  sky -  that  begins to cough Cloud  after cloud  after  cloud  Of space weary cold- forms particles Then no  more It shutters into millions of teary drops I look up and  know  the  weight is  shared 


When I want you your here,  The need for intimacy you evade. I've always thought you were poison but how could I have convinced myself. I drank and feasted on the temporary you so lightly provided... You should have come with warning signs.. "Deadly! Approach with caution!..." I wasn't stupid, I just thought you would be different, Eternity should have done a better job. But how could you treat me any different.. .I always convinced myself the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. Still I wanted... Fulfilment though as temporary made everything else bearable. I wont complain I'll gladly walk away because you were never there.  I will walk away knowing that the song of a victim cant be sang by mere men How could they when it has neither rhythm, verses, nor lyrics! The song of a victim is sang with a head laid on the pillow Hands pressed between thighs Its sang by humming and only the cascading of tears are allowed the crooked dance past ears where The...

An Elegy

I thought I had it,  I thought I had earned it somehow.  A sense of entitlement, finally a sense of purpose. I was brave now.  I was courageous now I could face anything and everything. I thought I had it, I thought I had earned it somehow. God damn it I should've known! You can't outgrow pain. A solemn convenant. I was back in that place  again. Everything I could do I did everything I could endure I did. I had cleaned up my act I was reading more I was focused more. I thought I had it, I thought I had earned it somehow.  I want to run, soar with the wind feel it ripple my wings I want peace. Somebody please hurt me!  Pain makes me sane I keep going back to the being that was never about Him.  My mind always rampant on things I would rather forget. But one mishap, one  word and am back  again.  I would want to die but death would probably give me more peace than I deserve. As you learn ...

My Feet

My feet, Whose toes refuse to touch the ground, Of sole crest thick as Ice in a pond on cold sprinkled winter morning, Have known thorns and spikes, And winter snow, And shoes that burn my heels to blisters and scourges, and boil and burn My bulgy feet Have come a long way Passed the river of Sheba And climbed and crossed and skipped and slipped, and tore and healed My feet, my precious feet That have carried me Tell the story that my freckled aging memory almost forgets!


  Two rooms of grey brick, Cracked walls Cracked floor, White matt stained at every end Broken wardrobe almost collapses A reminder of my unguarded bones in my closet Of foes and friends A bed for two sleeps my deserted brother Overflowing laundry touches the cemented floor I live here alone This is a place I call home