
Showing posts from January, 2020


"Stain me"  I said May the riddance of your mind  dump  authority on me Command me   with the  authority of  your body Taint me a page darkened  with the  ink of  your pen Write me as  a story you hate reading A literature dark and so dirty the  smell of  my  freshness  is the stink of your sweat "Stain  me" i  thought May  the rejection of  you Of your  words cold  as ice disdain  me If only  the warmth of your embrace  draws  me  as  close as  the love igniting in  your  eyes Push me as far off the cliff as  if i  were a stone  immune to feeling I  will fall  hard and alone; be rolled  in  mud I  will  fall  to  a crack or two  if  the freckled  pieces could rid  themselves  off of me I  will  not be  broken, only  slightly disfigured Be a memory so dark in  my  head  that  i whisper  the evil through my dreams if  "Stop" could  slow you  down to a  halt i beg you to not  hesitate the rid me of you  because  in my sleep i beg you